At Arthur Terry School, students have a timetabled opportunity to become fully involved in a high quality enrichment programme. The programme encompasses additional qualifications such as the Extended Project Qualification, Core Maths and standalone AS qualifications or the option to use Thursday afternoons to volunteer or arrange work experience opportunities, all of which will enable students to further strengthen their applications to university and higher apprenticeships. Together with these curriculum options, students also have the opportunity participate in a personalised enrichment programme.
Drama and music have a particularly high profile in the school with sixth form students regularly taking leading performing and producing roles. Students can pursue sporting interests and complete the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme up to Gold. Students are encouraged to take responsibility within school; working alongside linked lower school tutor groups and offering in-class support within their subject specialisms. Students willingly volunteer to support school charity events, parents’ evenings, open evenings, induction days as well as a host of external volunteering opportunities. Support for students lower down the school is central to role of an Arthur Terry sixth former through the tutoring programme, academic mentoring, sports and leadership opportunities.
Students experience daily morning tutor activities, tailored to sixth form needs covering a range of issues and themes including effective and timely revision, managing stress, mental health and well-being, safe driving, applying to university, news reviews and finance to name but a few. There is also a regular programme of visiting expert speakers and student workshops such as First Aid training in addition to house competitions and events.
Enrichment club participation is logged, tracked and rewarded, with the most active participants invited to termly enrichment reward trips to the likes of Rock Up, indoor climbing wall and Rush, Trampoline Park.